June 1, 2021
What is a “Live-in”?

What is a Live-in Caregiver?
As a caregiver in the healthcare industry, you have a wide variety of careers to choose from with various schedules, shifts, and lifestyle accommodations. Per diem home care jobs allow for you to choose the schedules and shifts that work with your life, so are often a favorite amongst the best nurses, CNAs & HHAs.
One option you may see advertised often is “live-in” work. But what exactly is a ‘live-in’? Every company does it differently, so at Privatus, we wanted to show you exactly what live-in assignments looks like, to determine if this would be a good fit for you.
Many clients feel more comfortable being at home rather than in a facility, and a live-in caregiver allows them to stay at home safely, with just one or two caregivers. Being amongst their personal belongings, clients feel comforted and have a heightened sense of independence. A live-in caregiver makes this possible and maintains these invaluable feelings for a client.
Every live-in caregiver plans their daily schedule according to each individual client – tailoring it to their specific needs and personal preferences. While the primary focus is always on safety, the schedule should always include some element of fun, things that put a smile on the client’s face. (And yours too!) Planning and preparing meals is always an important focus, choosing from the foods that they enjoy and encouraging them to eat healthy. A live-in caregiver cooks, cleans, runs errands, facilitates daily activities, and helps with anything else a client may need.
Live-in assignments might be ongoing (meaning, you live there until the case is over), or can be shared between yourself and another caregiver (you stay with the client 3 days, they work 4 days.) You are entitled to three meal breaks and eight hours of sleep per day. With Privatus, clients who use live-in services do not require your assistance through the night. Additionally, you will always have a private room to yourself with space to store your belongings.
When imagining what a typical routine might look like for breakfast to be ready by 8:00 AM, most caregivers wake up around 6:00 if they want free time for themselves in the morning. There is plenty of time during the morning to read, meditate, and cook breakfast. Around noon, some caregivers and clients may try to get outside for a walk before or after having lunch. Sometimes a caregiver may do errands, such as pharmacy or supermarket runs, with or without the client. Either way, most caregivers and clients get to know each other very well because of the significant amount of time they spend together. And because you are focused on only one client, there is also plenty of time for you.
What are the perks? As there is a high level of commitment required for this job, the pay is definitely a perk! This career choice can also be very fulfilling as you spend most of your time developing a relationship with just one person. As you get to know each other day after day, your work becomes second nature and you know what to expect each day. Some of our live-in caregivers have even gone on vacations with their clients!
Could live-in assignments be right for you? Keep in mind that you do have to be available 24/7. Your days and nights are spent at the client’s home, so this job is not for those with young children or other career responsibilities.
If this sounds like something you might be interested in, contact your recruitment specialist today; we have lots of opportunities for live in shifts in your area!